Summertime Wellness for Mamas and Mamas-to-be!

After scanning the web for the best summer health and wellness advice, we've compiled a list of the most popular and user-friendly tips to keep mamas and their families healthy and happy this summer! Check out what we have to say and tell us about your favorite wellness tips and tricks in the comments below!

Keep the Sun’s Rays at Bay

While sunscreen is always a summer must-have, this season take advantage of some additional, natural ways to protect yourself from the sun!  According to, different foods and vitamins can help increase your sun tolerance from the inside out! While some suggestions are a little more of a commitment (for example,  taking vitamin D3 and Fermented Cod Liver Oil), simply eating foods high in Omega 3s, like fish, leafy greens and highly saturated fats (like coconut oil and dairy fats) can also serve as a natural base of sun protection.

While sun protection is key for all mamas and their families, Mamas-to-be should take extra precautions when it comes to sun exposure according to Studies have suggested that overexposure to the sun’s UV rays can result in “folic acid degradation," which can be harmful to a developing baby.


Sunglasses aren't just for mamas! Wearing shades from a young age can reduce eye problems in the future.

Sunglasses aren't just for mamas! Wearing shades from a young age can reduce eye problems in the future.

Embrace the Shades

In addition to the built-in cool factor, sunglasses also protect your eyes from a myriad of potential problems. According to, sunglasses protect not only your eyes themselves, but also the skin around them, which has been found to contain up to 10% of all skin cancer cases. As for your actual eyes, wearing sunglasses that block UV rays can help prevent cataracts and other eye disorders including macular degeneration. And while most people don’t know this, failure to wear sunglasses can also cause Photokeratitis, or sunburn of the eye.

Sunglasses are most commonly a must-have for mamas, but they should be for kids, too! Wearing sunglasses early in life can help stave off eye problems later on, according to


Seasonal fruits like watermelons, berries and leafy greens contain many of the building blocks for a healthy summer diet, and they're oh so pretty!

Seasonal fruits like watermelons, berries and leafy greens contain many of the building blocks for a healthy summer diet, and they're oh so pretty!

Eat for the Season

The summer brings with it so many fresh fruits and veggies that add color and important vitamins to your diets, especially for mamas to be! According to, in the summer, seasonal fruits and vegetables including watermelon, strawberries, peas, broccoli and dark leafy greens like kale and spinach contain many of the right nutrients and protein essential for a healthy diet and healthy pregnancy. also notes that summer berries “prevent damage to tissues and reduce the risks of age-related illnesses." And while juicing together all of these fresh summer favorites can be equally delicious, pregnant women and young kids should be cautious about consuming raw juices unless they are pasteurized.

Mix Up Your Routine Trips to the Gym

The summer offers so many opportunities to vary your everyday gym workouts with swimming, hiking, biking and more! As mentioned by, changing up your workouts not only gives you the benefit of breaking out of your gym routine, but also creates opportunities to get your kids moving, and also to bond as a family!

And as great as outdoor activities are, it is equally important for mamas to keep themselves and their kids hydrated in the face of summer heat! For mamas-to-be, staying hydrated is especially important as it can prevent cramps, edema and headaches. According to, staying well-hydrated can also help stave off morning sickness, heartburn and UTIs.

Love Yourself!

This summer, embrace your body and, as Justin Bieber said it best, "you should go and love yourself!" Don’t let bathing-suit worries keep you from enjoying beach and family time this summer!  If you need some extra reminders for how summer-ready you are, check out what some of the “Raging Feminists” of have to say about bikini bods!

                                               Enough said.

                                               Enough said.