WHO: Sydney is a Baltimore Native, a Medical Advocate specializing in family violence, and a student pursuing her Masters in Public Health. She has two children, her son Eric age 7 and her daughter Dylan age 2 going on 17. Sydney loves to read and she is currently pursuing a healthier lifestyle through working out and eating better. She is very interested in the state of prison healthcare, the use of solitary confinement in our prisons, and engaging men in the fight against family violence.
WHY WE LOVE HER: This mama has the greatest dry sense of humor. She always finds a funny way to say what everyone is thinking. Sydney is immediately easy to feel comfortable around and shares wisdom casually and generously. Luckily, Sydney's kids share her sense of humor--her Instagram feed always keeps us entertained with their pictures and videos!
ON MOTHERHOOD: Motherhood for me has been a pleasant surprise. I was never that young girl dreaming of her wedding. I didn't see those things growing up, so I wasn't too impressed. And if I am totally honest, I was not too sold on the idea of having children either (I know, I know I'm terrible). But I am happy to say that I don't know who I would be without them. Yes, motherhood is hard and frightening these days, but there are also no words to describe the joy children bring to your life. I want mothers to stop being so hard on themselves. We can't do it all. The house will not collapse if the laundry doesn't get folded right away. Some days I get down on myself because my house isn't as clean, there are dishes in the sink, and my daughter is not potty trained yet. The list could go on and on... Then I realize, "Hey, they are alive and fed (it may have been frozen pizza), but they are fed and most importantly they are happy." Happy Mom=Happy Child-- sometimes it's just that simple. Moms, we have to take care of ourselves, you cant give from an empty vessel.
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