WHO: India wears many hats at 26 years young woman. She absolutely loves being the mother of a toddler--sweet, intelligent, inquisitive, rough and gorgeous toddler. Her name is Tamia and she is India's WORLD! India is also a social worker in Philadelphia who works with survivors of intimate partner violence. She enjoys DIY activities around her home and taking her toddler on adventures to the zoo, park, or Walmart. India also values "grown up" time with friends and family where she can just be a woman again--a fun, carefree, and sexy woman who relishes in her accomplishments and good health.
ON MOTHERHOOD: If I had to sum up my experience of motherhood (all 2.5 years of it), I would say CRAZY! Everyday I grow more CRAZY IN LOVE with my daughter! Her life is rich with an overwhelming desire to love and be loved. I anticipate that excited look in her eyes when she completes a sentence or discovers a new toy. Even more than all of that, I am grateful to be the parent to give her all of that love she desires and the one to praise her accomplishments and discoveries. Motherhood is not easy, not even a little bit. I like the popular expression, "being a mom is the hardest job you could ever love." I believe in celebrating other moms for their uniqueness in parenting and commending them for their ferocious love for their children. When motherhood gets tough and I want to cry, scream, give up, or down a bottle of wine, it's nice to know someone out there gets it too.
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