WHO: Danielle lives in Bala Cynwyd with her husband Misha and sweet baby Avishai, who was born in 2014. She graduated with her Masters in Jewish Studies from Gratz College and now heads up the Tribe 12 Fellowship, an accelerator for entrepreneurs in the Jewish Community whose businesses have value-based missions. Danielle paid her rent in college playing poker, has a writing passion which manifests freelancing mini-kits (the one you see when you're in the checkout line of a bookstore), and is self-appointedly famous for her (very spicy) chili.
WHY WE LOVE HER: Many of us know how helpful a shared smile can be, but Danielle truly puts this knowledge into practice! She always greets people with a grin and is never too busy to ask how your day is going. Danielle has a relaxed and open approach to life, including parenting, and of course, she has a very smiley baby!
ON MOTHERHOOD: When I was pregnant, I was pretty disturbed by the fighting and judgment I witnessed in Facebook "mommy groups." I began to dread joining the world of parenting! Thankfully, I stumbled upon a photo series which empowered women to "stop the mommy wars." This idea moved and inspired me, and I became excited to be that kind of mother. I promised myself right then to let any judgement of my motherhood roll right off my back, and to never judge another mom for the choices she made for her family.
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